Welcome to new brave world, they say. The brave ones are not the people, it is the corporations. They are so brave that they make you pay to infiltrate your very personal life and then sell it. Someone was watching you. Now EVERYONE is watching you.


Whatever you do, never accept anything closed-source code. Why? Because you have no idea what that program / hardware does. Let me give you some examples.

I am sure that happened to you too, you just think about buying a nice coat and there you go, you see that advert about coats on Instagram. (OR) You realize that Google’s results are not the same with other people’s results.

I can give you at least one hundred examples like that, just from my personal life. These technologies are NOT for the benefit of the end user. They start telling you that they make your life easier, because they know what you are going to search by making a profile about you.

BUT the thing is this is not the point, because these corporations do NOT care about you. They will never care about you. They only care about the people who pay them, everything, every single technological improvement is about money. They don’t help you; they control you! They tell you to get that nice pair of shoes that you deserve! They will tell you, if you smell nice you will get that woman of your dreams. You might think, what is the harm? Like if the weather is getting cold and I don’t have a coat, I would love to see my options and they help me, right? No! Why?

This phenomenon started after WWII. At first all the cities were demolished, there were no cars, no clothes, nothing. So they built a lot of factories, a lot of quality products and after some time, everybody had a house, nice clothes, everyone was happy, so there was no need for factories. I mean you have plates, nice ones, so why would you buy more?

Then advertising evolved, they stopped selling products and they started selling lifestyle. A convertible car with a cool dude driving and all the nice girls looking at him. This is what they started to sell, lifestyle.

From that moment, focus was/is/will never be the consumer. It is the money they have, that is it. They’ll do whatever they can to get your money/information. Or even they shape you to get their products, or be a product for them. Governments got their piece from that as well. With this they could control people a lot easier, they could track them a lot easier. Let me show you an amazing magic trick:


Just watch this! Look at how these creative people are just devastated. They have no idea! And they are supposed to be the creative, open-minded ones. See? You are not making your own decisions, they are making them for you! THAT is the problem. This is not a magic trick, this is the reality. This is the MATRIX.

Do you really think these BIG companies pay $150k to thousands of engineers just to make you comfortable googling some girls or looking at memes all day? If you think they do this for free, think again. Now think how you are paying for these services. I KNOW!

On the other hand, why open source? Easy, you will know what that software does! Even if it is a keylogger you will know exactly what it logs and whom it sends them to, but of course as it is open source, no one will do that. That is the idea.

Open source is the single most important thing about security and privacy. The idea is not only about the software, but also about the hardware. But I will get into that in detail later.